
Personal Hygiene Packages

Please place all items in a quart size zip lock bag

Items for each kit include:

1 Toothbrush

1 Travel Size Toothpaste

1 Travel Size Shampoo

1 Travel Size Hair Conditioner

1 Mild bar of Soap

 1 Washcloth

1 Pocket Comb or Hair brush

1 Travel Size Hand Lotion

1 Lip Balm

1 Deodorant

1 Travel Size Hand-Sanitizer

Clothing Packages

We accept new clothing donations for Men’s, Ladies’, Boys’ and Girls’

All Sizes

Underwear and socks must be new.

Christmas Blessing Bags

These are like Christmas Shoeboxes, except fits in a 1 gallon Ziploc.



Cars, coloring books, crayons, balls, Bible cards, dolls, metal trucks, stuffed animals, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, figures, makeup, nail polish, rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.

EXTRA ITEMS: Candy, lollipops, trail mixes, cookies, etc. Mittens, gloves, and scarves are a hit with many of the children. All items must be able to withstand heat and cold until delivered thus no chocolate type items.

If you do not have time to shop, but would like to provide a Christmas Blessing Bag/Stocking, each bag costs $10.00. If you would like to contribute to the ongoing project, please feel free to donate on the PayPal button.

Winter Coat & Shoes Project

Our goal is to provide winter coats and shoes to each individual that is in need of one. The cost of each coat is $25.00 and the cost of each pair of shoes is $15.00. 

If you would like to contribute to the ongoing project, please feel free to donate on the PayPal button.

Non-Perishable Food

Please ship packaged items, etc. to our home office:

Answers To Prayers

c/o Sue & Roger Desmarais

46 Desmarais Lane

Isabella, Missouri  65676

Or, you may Drop off at:

Answers To Prayers Boutique

Business Route 65

Turkey Creek Junction Unit 144

Hollister Missouri


Please make arrangements beforehand.

Do not leave items in front of the door.

Roger and I would like to personally encourage you to grow in your personal relationship with our Lord, allowing our Lord to minister to you wherever you are in your spiritual walk. ~ Walking in Love, Sue

We invite you to connect with us on social media and rejoice with us as we give God the Glory for the wonderful testimonies of how your generous gifts and donations are showing God's abounding love one by one, providing exceeding blessings to underprivileged families:
